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NEWS-HOOKS 2013 (Politics & Culture)



Sept. 1

Syria War-Mongering On The Left And Right

John Kerry (D) and John McCain (R) are both members of the Council On

Foreign Relations.

(Articles & videos)

                Council On Foreign Relations

                                              Credit: Gryffindor

Aug. 31

"Follow The Money"

Who will benefit from a Syria strike?

(Hint: Who wants to build a pipeline through Syria?)

Doha, Capital of Qatar

  Who will benefit from a Shia-Western war?   

(Hint: Who’s pouring billions of dollars into Syria's civil war?)

Mecca, Capital of Saudi Arabia

                                      Credit: Flickr

Aug. 29

Did Syrian President Assad Gas His Own People?

Leaked video reveals gassing was carried out by U.S. backed rebels.

Aug. 27

Leaked Document Reveals Washington's Plan To Use Chemical Weapons Against Syrian Civilians And Then Blame It On President Assad

(State Department declines comment)

Aug. 26

Israel, Europe And American Neo-Cons Pounding War Drums Against Syria

Military-industrial-banking complex calls for blood and dollars.


Aug. 19

Another Republican Bows To The Sodomites And Trashes The Constitution

Aug. 17

School Girls Now Allowed To Join Male Wrestling Teams (Good For The Guys)

Aug. 16

                                                               “Support Our Troops!”

Americans contribute millions to disabled veterans, as charity bosses reroute those donations into their own pockets.

Aug. 12

Goodwill Executives Amass Millions Of Dollars From The Backs Of Disabled Workers

(Some of them working for 22 cents  per hour)

Aug. 10

Do You Know What Your Kids Are Watching?

Study reveals children as young as 6 watch pornography and 8 flirt with strangers on

parents’ computers.

Aug. 9

Black-On-White Crime Continues While Black Religious Celebrities Remain Silent

White kid beaten by three blacks after telling school officials one of them tried to sell

him dope.


(Article and video)

Aug. 6

Judge Bribed To Keep Corporate Prisons Filled With Black Kids, Now In Jail

Aug. 6

ABC Transgender News Reporter Who Left Wife Now Wants To Switch Back

He's giving up bra, wig, lipstick, and women's restrooms.

Aug. 5

Foster Care Ensnaring Children Into Sex Slavery, Pornography

And Prostitution

76% of Internet pornography involves ‘pre-teens.’ 10% of victims are infants and toddlers, all considered by the industry as ‘reusable assets.’ Customers include "doctors, lawyers, business executives, teachers and coaches.” Blackmail is often used to keep them in line. Both political parties are involved. Blood rituals and CIA mind-control experiments are not uncommon. Federal funding is involved. U.S. corporations are involved. Child-sex is big business, world-wide.

(Article and video)

Aug 3

Army Refuses To Suspend Contracts With Al Qaeda Linked Corporations, Citing 'Due Process Rights'

“They may be enemies of the United States, but that is not enough to keep them from getting government contracts.”

                                                                                             - Inspector general report

July 28

Obamacare Supporters Sign Bogus Petition Mandating Euthanasia

Signers told seniors will be "put to sleep” to ease healthcare costs. “Awesome, thank you,” says one passerby.

July 28

Federal Reserve Continues To Bail Out Foreign Banks

(with your money)

Real Seat Of US Government - The Federal Reserve

      Credit: AgnosticPreachersKid

July 27

College Students Sign Fake Petition To Keep 4th Trimester Abortions Legal

One student asks if it will “cause harm to the child.”

(Pssst: 4th trimester pregnancies do not exist)

July 26

Republicans And Democrats Join President Obama In Trashing

4th Amendment

Defeated Amendment would have prohibited Intelligence agencies from collecting personal data not subject to Patriot Act.

“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” - 4th Amendment, U.S. Constitution

July 25

Media Establishment Still Concealing Black-On-White Crime

July 19

Feminists Use Sex To Turn Pro-Life Men Into Pro-Abortion Wimps

Sexual freedom is threatened by feminism, say male ‘60s flower-children. If abortion is restricted, “casual sex... [will] become far more difficult“ and men “won’t get laid as often.”

(Video: caution, bad language)

July 18

Police Officer Fired For Blowing Whistle On Ticket/Arrest Quotas

Petty quotas distract cops from serious crimes. They pervert justice and are unlawful.

July 17

Swastika Shaped Navy Building Spotted In California

                                                       Sanborn via Google Earth

-  -

Glenn Beck Is A Fake

Beck's hellish music and profanity are dead giveaways.

July 18

Poll Reveals 1/3 Of Americans Are Willing To Trash 1st Amendment

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

- 1st Amendment

July 15

Oakland Race Riots Were Government Rigged  

Oakland police retreated as protestors attacked drivers.

Police stand-down comparable to 1992 L.A. anarchist demonstrations. Riots responsible for 53 deaths, 2,383 injuries, 7,000 fires, 3,100 damaged businesses and $1 billion in financial losses.

LA riots, 1992

July 15

NAACP & Southern Christian Leadership Conference Enflames Racism

Both call on government to file charges against Zimmerman, after he's found 'not guilty.'

“... this isn’t over with,” says Senator Harry Reid (D), “... that’s our system. It’s gotten better,

not worse.

UPDATE: Federal charges against Zimmerman unlikely, says MSNBC

July 11

Obama’s Justice Department Uses Racism (And Your Tax-Dollars) To Manipulate Anti-Zimmerman Protests In Florida

             Released documents reveal Justice Department collaborated with Florida demonstrators.                                                

-  -

Bank Of America Continues Amassing Wealth, Giving Employees Huge Bonuses For Foreclosing On Homes

Employees putting "ten or more accounts into foreclosure in any month received a $500 bonus.” Those who questioned bank ethics, refused to lie to customers or didn’t meet quotas were fired.

Department of Treasury has yet to discipline banks.

-  -

Middle School Anti-Gay Bullying Program Overseen By Local College Students Enrages Parents

Two girls perform in front of class as lesbians on a date. In another skit, a girl asks another

girl for a kiss.

The program is required under "New York’s Dignity For All Students Act." None of the parents were notified, none were given the option to opt out.

July 7

Russia Outlaws All Foreign Adoptions By Homosexual Couples (436-0 Vote)

American adoptions now prohibited.

July 6

      Homosexuals Becoming More Intolerant, Hateful And Violent With Anyone Who Disagrees With Them

July 4

Sodomites Invading Country Music

-  -

California Allowing Transgender Students (K-12) To Choose Bathrooms Shower-Rooms Based On ‘Self-Perception’

July 1

FEMA Teams Up With Russia To Provide Security For American Events

Use of the military for law enforcement is illegal under the Posse Comitatus Act.

     -  -

Lady Gaga Belts Out National Anthem (With New Lyrics) At New York Gay

Pride Celebration

“O say does that star-spangled flag of pride yet wave, in the land of the free, and the

home for the gay.”

                                                          Credit: Joshiku