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NEWS-HOOKS 2014   (Christian Apologetics)




Did Christianity Borrow From Ancient Savior-God Legends?

(Or did those legends borrow from Jehovah's earliest prophets?)

    Recommended Book: 'Unmasking The Cosmic Christ'

Debate: Pre-Christian Savior Legends Debunked (Part 1)

(Part 2)

Jan. 26

Is The Bible Sexist And Anti-Female?

The Real Biblical View Of Women

Jan. 23

Christian Zionism: Is It Biblical?

Why do church people support war for Israel? And why was the Scofield Reference Bible published at the same time modern Israel and WWI were being planned?

The Roots Of Christian Zionism: How Scofield Sowed Seeds Of Apostasy

(Note: FAR does not agree with all the theological & eschatological points in the video, but the political & historical facts are essentially correct.)

Jan. 20

How Can The Universe Be Six Thousand Years Old (According To The Bible) If Light From The Furthest Reaches Of The Universe Took Billions Of Years To Get Here?

"One Way" Speed Of Light

Starlight And Time

Jan. 19

Would Darwin Be An Evolutionist Today? The Genetic War With Evolution

The high-tech cell's overwhelming dilemma for Darwinists.

Areas In Which Darwin Was Wrong

“If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down.”

- Charles Darwin, The Origin Of Species, p. 255

Jan. 17

What About UFOs?

- 20 million Americans claim to have see UFOs

- Over 180 million people worldwide claim to have been abducted by UFOs

- Around 150 UFOs sightings are reported every day

What are they? Who are they?

UFOs And The Evolutionary Connection" (Part 1)

(Part 2)

Jan. 14

Should The Old Testament Civil Law Be The Basis Of American Law?

Are Christians to "take dominion" over all peoples and governments of the earth?

Christian Dominionism In A Nutshell

(Bill Moyer interviews chief dominionist Rousas J. Rushdoony, 1988)

Jan. 13

What About Mary?

Is Mary A Mediator Between God And Sinners?

Was Mary preserved from sin?

Are we to pray to Mary?

Is Mary the Queen of Heaven?

Did Mary remain a virgin?

Did Mary ascend bodily into Heaven?

Has Mary appeared to humanity in apparitions?

Can Mary appease the wrath of Christ?

Public Debate: The Marian Dogma

Jan. 12

The Probability Of Life On Other Planets Is “Very High” Say Some Scientists

The Probability Of Life On Other Planets Is “Impossible” Say Other Scientists

Where Are The Aliens?

Jan. 11

Does It Matter What Church You Attend?

Does God Speak Directly To Man Today?

Is God Giving New Revelations To Man Today?

Public Debate: Church of Christ vs. Baptist  (Part 1)

(Part 2)

(Part 3)

(Part 4)

Jan. 10

Is Religious Corruption In America The Reason Christian Debates Are Thrown To

The Atheists?

- Is political/religious corruption destroying our Christian witness?

- Is election rigging destroying our Christian witness?

- Is political-religious war-mongering destroying our Christian witness?

- Is political-religious support for Israel (e.g., Palestinian land theft, racism, genocide) destroying our Christian witness?

The Hitchens Brothers Debate: Christopher (Atheist) And Peter (Theist) Debate Various Topics

(Caution: very bad language)

Jan. 9

The Big Bang Is In Big Trouble

If the Big Bang really happened, a mysterious "something" must have been pulled out of the cosmological magic hat that circumvented all known scientific laws.

Jan. 8

The Cosmological Argument For The Existence Of God

- Whatever exists has a cause

- The universe exists

- Therefore, the universe had a cause

- That cause was something—or SOMEONE—greater than the universe, prior to the universe,

more powerful than the universe and outside the universe

The Kalam Cosmological Argument

Jan. 7

The Exodus: A Search For The Red Sea Crossing

(It may not be where you thought)

Searching For The Exodus Crossing

Jan. 6

Is Great Britain Evidence For The Great Flood?

Nature magazine makes headlines around the world

Jan. 5

Was The Father Of Evolution A Racist?

“At some future period not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace the savage races throughout the world.”

- Charles Darwin

The Descent of Man, p. 178

Jan. 4

"In Science We Trust?"

  “Science is everything to me.” - High School student

Jan. 3

Which Came First? The Chicken Or The Egg?

- Proteins cannot form without DNA

- DNA cannot function without proteins

Abiogenesis - The Chicken Or The Egg

Jan. 2

Why Aren’t Dinosaurs Mentioned In The Bible?

        If God created the dinosaurs, and humans lived with dinosaurs (Genesis 1 & 2) why aren't they mentioned?

                                                                                   Credit: Marcin Chady

Jan. 1

Is Jesus Christ God Almighty?

Was Jesus Really God?